Living will

Stay in control with a living will

In some cases, because of sickness or an accident, you can’t decide on your own life anymore. You have to rely on the people around you. With a living will, you stay in control. Your notary records who can make certain decisions for you, when you can’t do it yourself anymore. This means your wishes will remain the guiding principle. And it prevents insecurity and disagreement among the people you love.

Your life. Your choices. Your notary.

In a living will by your notary, you name one or more people you trust unconditionally. You give them the authority (power of attorney) to make your medical wishes known and to organise good healthcare. You also give the authority to manage your finances, and you can leave comprehensive instructions on how you want that to happen. At your notary, your personal story is key. Your notary listens, asks questions, clarifies, and gives you honest advice about the best options for your living will.

Would you also like to make an appointment with your notary to draft a living will? Or do you prefer to request a quote immediately? Call Broekmans Notary Office on (0031) 40 213 63 60.

Do you need help with your living will?

Your life. Your happiness. Your notary.